When you train a dog to detect anxiety, it can make a huge difference in your life. Your anxiety may not manifest as a full on panic attack, but it can still be extremely hard to deal with. Well, and there’s that part where the anxiety can turn into a panic attack if you don’t …
Asking Your Doctor About Getting a Service Dog
So you know you need a psychiatric service dog. But how do you go about asking your doctor about getting a service dog? As someone who suffers from anxiety, depression and low self-esteem, I end up in my own head a lot and get worried about being pushy, annoying or getting rejected. I am afraid …
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Doctors Who Can Write Prescriptions for Service Dogs
A common question that I’ve been getting lately is about the types of doctors who can write a prescription or doctor’s note for a service dog. People aren’t sure who to ask for their prescription, though they really would like to get started on their journey with a service dog. Which Doctors Can Give a …
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How to Know if You Qualify for a Service Dog
First off, let me say thank you for looking into this so thoroughly. You are a good person for trying to do this the right way, instead of trying to shortcut the process by using a fake online registry for service dogs. You’re doing the right thing, trying to make sure you’re going about this …
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Service Dog vs Emotional Support Dog vs Therapy Dog
It’s easy to be a bit confused about the words we use for the dogs that help us. Often, when people are first looking into a service dog, they will use the wrong words for talking about what they’re looking for. This makes it hard for them to find the proper help they need. Let’s talk …
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